Monday, June 28, 2010

Staniel Cay - day 2

June 22, 2010

We have been without internet service for close to a week, trying to catch up with the blog.

There is a fish cleaning station at the marina, and each day several sharks came by to see if there were any goodies...   (click on any picture to enlarge)

A ray also made an occasional appearance...

School was out and several boys were playing on the beach.

These same boys earlier were on the steps two pictures up teasing the sharks. 

We learned that there are 17 children in the small "all-ages" school there.  Each summer they take a field trip to another island to expand their education and, I suspect, to meet other children.  There was a collection box at the marina bar for donations for their field trip so we gave a small donation.

This is one of three small stores on the cay, the other one we saw was similar.

The door was open but here was no one in the store.   A lady came over from next door to help us.  Sadly, the shelves were mostly empty.  But the lady was very gracious, knew some people in North Carolina, and told us how they always look forward to boats bringing books and pencils for their children.  We purchased a six-pack of coke-cola that we would later be very glad that we had.

Back at the marina, a boat was pulling out with a helicopter on it's back deck.  I would have paid to see the guy land it there.

In any event, the stark contrast between the luxuries found by boaters at the marina and the reality of the everyday life of the people who do not have these luxuries is sobering.  We were extra careful to be respectful and generous, whenever possible.

A street scene from the small village...

Most of the islands were covered with thick forests until the 1700's and 1800's when they were completely logged over.  The topsoil blew away shortly thereafter and mostly what is left is rock and some sand.  So any vegetation struggles.

Tomorrow we head back north with stops in the Exuma Cays Land and Sea Park.

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