Saturday, June 12, 2010

Crossing to Bimini

Got up early to try and catch a calm sea.  The weather forecast is for northeast winds 5-10 knots and 2 foot seas.  We pull anchor and head down the Florida Channel past the Cape Florida lighthouse.

The gulf stream is fairly flat, about 3-4 foot waves, but not enough to slow us down significantly.  Once we get past the stream (it's about 25 miles wide) the ocean calms down and flattens considerably.  There are a lot of boats making the crossing and usually always another boat is in sight.

We find the approach through the bar at Bimini and enter the harbor.  We hoist the yellow quarentine flag and tie up at the marina.  The yellow flag must stay up unitl we clear customs and immigration.   So I go down to the customs dock, passports in hand, fill out their paperwork, fork over the $300 for a cruising permit and then over to the immigration office to obtain a visa.

Then we can replace the quarentine flag with the Bahamas courtesy flag which must be displayed while we are in the Bahamas territorial waters.

We are staying tonight at the Bimini Blue Water Resort.  This is the historic marina of Earnest Hemingway fame.  Unfortunately, the Compleat Angler, the historic hotel and bar has burned to the ground.  This is the first time I have seen it since we were here in 1996.  Sad.

1 comment:

  1. hi guys. its very interesting about all the things you have to do just to sail into another countries water. The phone you are calling from is very fuzzy. Post some pictures of the island we want to see pictures.
